Hello again on a great Monday morning. I hope you are ready for a great last week of January. Today we will talk about selfishness. This might seem very common sensical but I wanted to give you a different perspective and why being selfish can be seen as bad or good as opposed to what we have been taught. Let’s start with the negative view of selfishness. For many years we have been taught that we got here because of the idea of survival of the fittest. This means competition and every person for themselves. Selfishness is a trait that we used to survive in harsh times. When we see others who have more than we do we become selfish, but not understanding what the other person has done in order to obtain what he or she has. Many times we forget the hard work people have put in to earn what they have now. We might see that we are lacking which triggers selfish tendencies. Some people may give gifts or perform activities to help others while secretly expecting praise or somet...