Natural Health Family! We will be continuing our journey of post on different degrees of emotions and why it is important to know them. The two we will talk about today are greed and kindness. Greed is an excessive desire for power, wealth, prestige, security, or any personal satisfaction or gratification. Many people tend to fall in the trap of wanting to gain more of something the easiest and shortest way possible. This has led many to be entangled in greed because they wanted that quick gratification. It is nice to receive things in a nice quick manner at times but should not be the basis of how we acquire things in life. Just like the people that win massive amounts of money all of a sudden only to find themselves quickly bankrupt or worse than they were before. When we fail to understand that many great things in life such as the arts, inventions, music, skills, technology or other amazing things we have experienced in life came from persistence and a willingness to ...