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The Need to Be Right

The Need to Be Right

            I’m sure that you have talked with people and discovered their need to be right. Everyone wants others to emotionally feel close to them and that what they are doing, whatever it is, is the right way to do it or is best. Many people we have talked to, have been doing things a certain way for years, or decades, or even for generations. In their mind all that time makes it seem right. The question to ask though-is it? Many of these notions are based on outdated or uninformed ideas and may have even worked well for a while but the end result is not turning out as expected. It may also take some time, as in years or decades, to see the results of a wrong idea or a wrong action. You may have heard the expression about being “happy in your misery” or “being dead right”. These are expressions about people thinking they are doing the right thing but in reality, they’re not.
            Another part of this “need to be right” psychology is those of a professional nature. For instance, you may know people that are police officers and they always seem to think people are guilty first and must prove their innocence before this person will accept the others word as truth. Another example would be folks in the acting business thinking that everyone else is just acting, not really being truthful but playing out life on a stage the way they want to. These people have a hard time “walking in someone else’s shoes”. They can’t seem to open their mind to another viewpoint and be able to consider it logically without a negative emotional response.
            We see this from time to time here at the office. People will come in to be tested as they are suffering from health issues that are not being helped with what they are already doing. We give them answers that they should accept and work on but they, or their spouse, or their family tells them that this way could not possibly work. These people have a need to be right in their misery. If our patient would get well it would mean that whatever these folks had been doing was wrong. It does take hard work and time to change and to learn how to be healthy in a world that is full of advertising for profit without consideration of health. An example of this is how many margarine commercials have you seen with healthy people in them? Or how many soda pop commercials have you seen with everyone looking healthy and happy? This used to be the same way for smoking, lots of commercials with happy and healthy people so it must be the right thing? If a person is going down a life path that is making them tired and ill with more and more medications and surgeries, and financial debt- let’s not forget that, is this the right path to a good life or to vibrant health? I think not!
            At Natural Health Chiropractic Center, we have the clinically proven methods to get people healthy and well and living a vibrant life. Many people feel that the chiropractic adjustment is only for pain relief and adjusting works well for that, but it also helps to restore normal nerve function to all the organs and glands of the body so it can work correctly. Our Nutrition Response Testing technique is an easy and quick way to determine what a patient needs nutritionally, to help them to heal and strengthen, and what foods they need to stay away from, and what foods to eat to help their particular genetic predisposition work at optimum. Allopathic medicine works toward symptom relief, which is great for that problem. We work towards the cause of the symptom or health problem. This is a different philosophy and must be logically considered to be actually healthy. In our society in the United States, our health care system, which is actually disease management, is broke. You can look at almost any statistic from the CDC and you will find that all diseases are getting worse and the costs are going up. This is the reality whether we like it or not. We have a better way at Natural Health Chiropractic Center that will hopefully become the norm in years to come, but at this time, seems futuristic and almost unbelievably simple. We are here to help you and yours with true health information and guidance for diet and lifestyle that are clinically proven. Another point-you cannot do randomized controlled trials or research on humans with nutrition. There is a problem with ethics and control of too many variables. In other words, you won’t see “scientific” data on all this. Plus there’s no Big Money in it, and no political control. Remember, you are what you eat! We just do what is clinically proven for that individual person to regain health and have a great life. For over 35 years, we’ve helped thousands of patients and can help you!-Dr. Mark


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