Chiropractic is the drugless, nonsurgical way of helping the body to not only relieve neck and back pain, as are the popular notions of this time, but also to open the neural pathways to all the organs and glands of the body and allow the natural innate healing energy of the brain to flow unimpeded, thereby promoting true natural health. The Activator adjusting technique is a way of moving the misaligned and fixated spinal and other bones of the body that are impinging upon nerves leading to lack of normal function, and causing dis-ease. The Activator instrument restores the bone to its normal position quickly and painlessly because of its speed, accuracy, and light touch. Removing this nerve interference allows the innate healing energy of the body to flow to the organs and glands allowing the body to function normally at optimal levels, and alleviating the symptoms of pain from inflammation, which the body produces to ask for help. At Natural Health, Dr. Mark uses the activ...