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Showing posts from March, 2018

A quick description of Chiropractic, Activator adjusting

Chiropractic is the drugless, nonsurgical way of helping the body to not only relieve neck and back pain, as are the popular notions of this time, but also to open the neural pathways to all the organs and glands of the body and allow the natural innate healing energy of the brain to flow unimpeded, thereby promoting true natural health. The Activator adjusting technique is a way of moving the misaligned and fixated spinal and other bones of the body that are impinging upon nerves leading to lack of normal function, and causing dis-ease. The Activator instrument restores the bone to its normal position quickly and painlessly because of its speed, accuracy, and light touch. Removing this nerve interference allows the innate healing energy of the body to flow to the organs and glands allowing the body to function normally at optimal levels, and alleviating the symptoms of pain from inflammation, which the body produces to ask for help. At Natural Health, Dr. Mark uses the activ...

Anxiety -- Depression and Natural Health

Anxiety, Depression and Natural Health                         Anxiety and Depression are basically two sides of the same coin. Both are usually a deficiency of B vitamins which can be brought on by a long history of eating processed or refined sugar. Standard Process divides their B complex nutrition into two parts, Cataplex B for support of the Sympathetic nervous system which helps the body have energy and stamina, and Cataplex G for the Parasympathetic nervous system which helps the body to calm down and relax. People with anxiety have a hard time relaxing, and over time, their systems break down from lack of healing due to inability of their body to slow down enough to heal. Sleep is when the body does this and it is so important to get a good amount and the right quality. Doctors have patients taking sleeping pills or using a CPAP machine which again is working on ...

Diet Soda

Natural Health and Diet Soda             There has been a lot of controversy about diet soda in the past. When they first came out, everyone thought, especially the salesmen, that they would be the answer to anyone’s weight problem and be so great for diabetics. Time and research has proven this false and more recent studies have shown the outcome to be just the opposite, with users gaining more weight and having worse health.   Soda itself is an “anti-food” meaning it robs the body of precious minerals just to process it and get rid of it through the channels of elimination. And of course all the refined sugar in the soda is the cause of this along with the phosphoric acid that makes it fizz. The artificial sweeteners that are used instead of sugar to make it taste good to the highly sweet American palate are substances that the human body has never seen before. It takes more energy and precious nutrition to process it a...
The 3 Tastes The human body has a taste for 3 things: sugar, salt and fats. Scientists believe this is due to man’s survival needs during rough times when food was hard to come by. In good times, man would load up on sweet vegetables and fruit for energy, salt for fluid balance, enzyme formation and digestion and fats for long term energy needs and hormone formation. It all worked, however, manufactures have figured this out. They now try to get everyone to eat too much sugar considering it’s easy and cheap to acquire. Refined salt without the minerals and fried foods made with trans fats don’t go bad on grocery store shelves--restaurants can use over and over. We must realize this and be able to control our urges for un-natural “foods” that we mentally crave, especially when we are under stress. Worst of all, refined sugar acts as a drug in our bodies, similar to cocaine in its effect--its addictive ability and destructive effect on our health. ~Dr. Mark P.S. See the video “Is...

Ketogenic Diet May Be Key to Cancer Recovery

Ketogenic Diet May Be Key to Cancer Recovery By Dr. Mercola To some, a ketogenic diet amounts to nothing less than a drug-free cancer treatment. The diet calls for eliminating carbohydrates, replacing them with healthy fats and protein. The premise is that since cancer cells need glucose to thrive, and carbohydrates turn into glucose in your body, then cutting out carbs literally starves the cancer cells. This type of diet, in which you replace carbs with moderate amounts of high quality protein and high amounts of beneficial fat, is what I recommend for everyone, whether you have cancer or not. It’s simply a diet that will help optimize your weight and health overall, as eating this way will help you convert from carb burning mode to fat burning. Ketogenic Diet May Be Key to Brain Cancer Recovery The featured video shows Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D, who is one of the leaders in teasing the details of how to treat cancer nutritionally. I am scheduled to interview him shortly ...

What should I eat

What Should I Eat?             This is a question that we’re asked all the time. And it’s a little more complex than it would seem at first glance. Our main long-term goal is to get patients off of refined flour and sugar as these are anti-nutrients. They rob the body of minerals and vitamins that the body can use repair itself or improve immune system function. We try to do this on a gradient scale as the person is able to increase their mineral intake which helps to reduce the cravings for sugar. Sugar creates an endorphin release when consumed and this is what causes the almost addictive nature of sweets.             At Natural Health, we strive to reduce patients’ addiction to sugar over time but understand that it is there. This means that we cannot give you the perfect diet sheet because one diet doesn’t work for everyone all the time during your treatment. This ...
Improve Your Life: What 10 Things Should You Do Every Day To Improve Your Life? Get out in nature You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’s  research that says you do .) Being in nature reduces  stress , makes you more  creative , improves your memory  and may even  make you a better person . Exercise We all know how important this is, but few people do it consistently. Other than health benefits too numerous to mention, exercise  makes  you  smarter ,  happier , improves  sleep , increases libido  and  makes you feel better about your body . A Harvard study that has tracked a group of men for more than 70 years identified it as  one of the secrets to a good life .  Spend time with friends and family Harvard happiness expert  Daniel Gilber t identified this as  one of the biggest sources of happiness in our lives . Relationships are worth more than you thi...

What is Nutrition Response Testing

What is Nutrition Response Testing? NRT is probably very different from anything you may have experienced before. Although it is very precise and scientific, if we were to analyze you using NRT without an explanation you may find it strange or mysterious. We felt similarly when we first encountered it and, therefore, have studied it extensively to see if it really worked. We are happy we did because it has helped us greatly improve our own health and with NRT, we may be able to help you improve yours. It is important for you to understand Nutrition Response Testing™ because it is the foundation upon which we base our recommendations, and if you don’t understand it you may be less likely to follow through with our advice. To put it simply, if you don’t follow through with our advice, you won’t get well and if you are not going to get well, why begin in the first place? The good news is that by using NRT, most clients experience 90% or better improvement in their overall health. ...