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Showing posts from March, 2020

Thoughts and Emotions

Hello Natural Health Family! I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. As the days go on we are still hearing and seeing news about the coronavirus. Today I wanted to talk about how the emotion of fear and not the coronavirus itself may be harming you.  In terms of health, we forget how powerful our thoughts and emotions can be. As a society we have been told to disregard our feelings and not to express how we feel. Many people find it awkward to express how they feel because it feels uncomfortable to most people. However, when we don’t express how we feel we tend to hold in that emotion in our bodies where it can sit for years. This can cause a lot of stress in our bodies. When we hold in any negative emotions, our bodies stay in a constant fight or flight response. Our fight or flight system is an aid to overcome any immediate threat in our lives. It was useful to help us survive a certain situation. However, as humans we tend to keep thinking of that past becau...

Spring Allergies

            I hope you had a great weekend despite all the hubbub. At least it’s starting to warm up and look more like Spring all the time. We have gotten plenty of moisture to bring up the May flowers and the grass is greening up so will hear those lawnmowers starting again soon. We’re starting to notice some of our patients developing some Spring allergies and we have great products to help the liver detox the body so that these pollens don’t bother. This goes right along with all the other immune system strengthening that we do, helping the body to detoxify itself so that the liver can handle any foreign invaders that may show up.             Of course all you hear on the news now is about the coronavirus so I’ve included an article from the New England Journal of medicine that shows the actual statistics and that the coronavirus may be no more of the problem than th...

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted List of authors. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.,  H. Clifford Lane, M.D.,  and Robert R. Redfield, M.D. he latest threat to global health is the ongoing outbreak of the respiratory disease that was recently given the name Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Covid-19 was recognized in December 2019. 1  It was rapidly shown to be caused by a novel coronavirus that is structurally related to the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). As in two preceding instances of emergence of coronavirus disease in the past 18 years 2  — SARS (2002 and 2003) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) (2012 to the present) — the Covid-19 outbreak has posed critical challenges for the public health, research, and medical communities. In their  Journal  article, Li and colleagues 3  provide a detailed clinical and epidemiologic description of the first 425 cases reported in the epicenter of the outbreak: the ...
Hello Natural Health Family. Let’s talk today about what it means to be healthy. Not just the absence of symptoms and issues but the expression of life and vitality. Remember, health is natural for everyone. When you are experiencing pain or symptoms, that means you are unbalanced in some way. When we are unbalanced, we are more vulnerable to various health conditions such as having symptoms related to a virus. Lets change our way of thinking from attacking the bug to building the body strong.  First let’s talk about your body. Did you know (according to recent findings), that your body is made up of 6 trillion human cells (there is other research stating that we have 50 trillion cells), 60 trillion bacteria, and 380 trillion viruses? Yes you heard that right. Now why, when talking about illness do we always attack the bug? Let’s face it, our bodies are as much human as they are bacterial and virus… Let that sink in. Why don’t we respect our bodies, including the “bugs” that l...

Chiropractic Adjustments and Immune System Support

With all the hubbub and excitement about the current health crisis, it seems unimportant to talk about the weather like I usually do to start my comments. It is important to realize though that the weather can be blamed for some of this crisis. Going through winter and being stuck inside and away from the sun for so long decreases our active vitamin D and just gets us into a general feeling of blah. Hopefully we’ll get some warm weather and clear skies soon which will pretty much eradicate the problems with this virus, as it does every year. The question that we all need to ask ourselves is will we have to go through this every year now? If folks would learn from this crisis that they need to work on keeping their immune system strong, and not worried about all the bugs, we wouldn’t have to deal with this problem. Unfortunately though, the mainstream medical system is geared for treatment and not for prevention or strengthening of the body. Insurance only pays for these treatments so...

1918 Influenza Epidemic and Chiropractic Care

Historical Chiropractic News Editors Note: The information provided here was forwarded to Planet Chiropractic by a chiropractor in Texas. Far too many people (including chiropractors) are not aware of historical events that took place during the 1917 – 1918 Spanish Flu years, which involved chiropractors caring for thousands that suffered influenza infection during those times. With such a firestorm of media coverage and fear surrounding the Swine Flu Pandemic, it would be irresponsible not to attempt seeking knowledge regarding influenza events of the past. The Official History of Chiropractic in Texas By Walter R. Rhodes, D.C. Published by the Texas Chiropractic Association — 1978 CHAPTER VI: THE THREE GREAT SURVIVAL FACTORS [Excerpts by Dan Murphy, DC] “The 1917 – 1918 influenza epidemic swept silently across the world bringing death and fear to homes in every land. Disease and pestilence, especially the epidemics, are little understood even now and many of the factors t...

Stress and The Immune System

Let’s talk today about the latest “bug” that is supposedly affecting the whole world, coronavirus (COVID-19). Now there are many ways to approach this topic but for this post I will mostly stick to the influences on health.      First, let’s talk about how people get sick. When a person is faced with chronic stress for long periods of time and is not able to adapt to the stress, then his or her body will become dis-eased. No organism can live in long term states of chronic stress. This goes for all chronic illnesses such as heart disease, lung disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, COPD, kidney disease, etc.      Now where does stress come from? A person is stressed by 3 means: chemical, physical, and emotional. (You could also say that technology is a new modern stress) So this means that if we continue to eat unhealthy foods then our bodies will lose their ability to adapt to stress and become dis-eased. When we physically don’t...

Coronavirus and Your Immune System

Well it wasn’t the greatest weekend weather-wise but at least the snow didn’t stick and this week should be warmer. We’re getting plenty of moisture so those May flowers should really look nice. I really like this time of year because we’re anticipating Spring but it’s not quite here yet. The birds are chirping and the grass is starting to green up a little bit but there’s still that cold nip in the air. I see people running around in shorts and flip-flops already but it’s really a little early.             Our theme for this month is Diet, so I’ve included an article that looks at foods that can hurt the body. It’s important to realize that there are good foods that help heal the body but there are also “foods” that can harm the body, especially if eaten over long periods of time, like years and decades. At Natural Health, we strive to teach our patients about what foods work best for their body. We can tailor their diet to w...

Eating Mistakes That Can Damage Your Kidneys

Eating Mistakes That Can Damage Your Kidneys Analysis by  Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Your kidneys lower your body acid burden. As kidney failure progresses, acid tends to accumulate in your system, causing severe harm A high-acid diet can deteriorate your kidney function and accelerate the progression of kidney disease Any diet high in fruits and vegetables and low or devoid of processed foods and dairy products will be lower in acid Anything that helps improve diabetes will also improve kidney health. This includes fasting or time-restricted eating and exercise High-protein diets can also damage your kidneys, thanks to the ammonia generated. To protect your renal health when eating a high-protein diet, add in more fruits and vegetables to buffer the acid created In this interview, Dr. Lynda Frassetto, a nephrologist and professor emeritus in the department of medicine at University of California San Francisco (UCSF), shares important information abo...