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Natural Health is a “Safe Haven” for Health Truth

Natural Health is a “Safe Haven” for Health Truth

            What we mean by “safe haven” is that our patients and our patient’s families are welcome to ask us about any question related to health and we will find the true answer for them. Many folks are hesitant to talk about health issues with their usual MD because they know of the blowback they will get when discussing natural health issues. Mainstream medicine has its own philosophy on treating patients and much of their information comes from research done by drug companies and drug salesman that, of course, are biased and perhaps not in your best interest. We understand the need for these companies to make money but we don’t agree with the misinformation that causes patients harm to their health and possibly fatal consequences.
            At Natural Health, we are interested in giving our patients truthful information on how to gain and maintain true health so that they can enjoy life and have energy and not suffer through disease processes. Our patients, friends, and family members are always welcome to ask about topics that they have an interest in, to help them on their quest to be truly healthy. There is a lot of information out there on nutrition and diet, some of which is true but much of it is marketing. Another aspect to keep in mind is that everybody is very individual in their needs for nutrition and can only work with certain diets well. Even different stages of life will determine nutritional needs and dietary recommendations. We talk a lot about this during our patient education workshops and help to explain to our listeners the difference between myths and truths in the nutritional and dietary information world. We have these patient education workshops 3 times a month and would love to see you there. These workshops give us the time to talk to the patient’s as long as they need without worrying about the confines of daily patient scheduling.
            So if you have any questions about health matters, questions about products you may have heard about, news articles that seem to be revealing or contradicts something you have believed in or known about for years, or just want to talk about ways of helping your friends and family to get healthier, please let us know and we would be happy to help. Send questions to or give us a call at 217-228-2040.  You can also attend any of our Free Education Workshops every 1st Monday and 3rd Tuesday of every month at the office.  Just call for times and topics -- 217-228-2040
"Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, Live Well!"


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